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7 Day Preschool Assessment Bootcamp
The printable goods!
Pre-Kindergarten Assessment and Portfolio Pack
Early Learning Goals
Day 1: The ins and outs of assessment
What assessment is and isn't
A shift in thinking
Making assessment engaging
Day 2: No need to re-invent the wheel...part 1
Early Learning Goals
How to use the Pre-K Assessment Pack (10:33)
Day 3: No need to re-invent the wheel...part 2
Digger deeper into skills (3:24)
How to edit your assessments (7:39)
Editing with Adobe Reader (4:37)
Day 4: Creating a portfolio
What a portfolio is and isn't
Portfolio templates
Putting it together (11:13)
Day 5: Organizing it all
Prepping early
Organization tips and tricks
Printing and organizing pictures
Day 6: Put it to good use
Guiding instruction- small group
Guiding instruction- whole group
Day 7: Communicating with parents
How do I want to share with parents?
Ending the year
I'm so proud of you!
Preschool Portfolio Webinar
Webinar Replay
What a portfolio is and isn't
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